This comment was left on my previous post. I deleted it because I wasn't interested in replying. My husband, however, thinks I should have left it. Since he is generally wise, I am reposting it here.
"Your are just the most negative person on the planet. Nothing good ever happens to you. Each night there's another person doing something to drive you crazy. Lighten up before your kid is born hard wired for stress like you are." (The typos are not mine, this is cut and paste).
The High Cost Of Becoming A Vet
8 years ago
I don't get criticism like this. If this person doesn't like your blog, he or she shouldn't read it. The rest of us enjoy your stories. I find the stories about horrible people to be very informative because you see a side of people that I never would.
I mean, I'm /sure/ that the person must be an absolute EXPERT to drop such pearls of wisdom!
/end sarcasm.
If you don't like it, don't read it. You have one of the toughest jobs to deal with - you DESERVE a place to vent what's going on, and what bothers you. Unfortunately for that poster, the biggest bothers are the negative things.
Please don't worry too much about people like the poster. :) There are a bunch of us that do understand.
Better to blow off steam in your blog than at the client. Keep up the good work.
Gotta wonder what kind of a person takes the time out of their day to leave a comment like that. (I especially like the dig at you as a mom-- is that in Trolling: An Introduction volume 1 or 2? I think it must be volume 2; it's a fairly advanced technique considering that a) kids have nothing to do with your job and b) your child isn't even born yet! Well done, Anonymous, you've been reading ahead!)
I like your blog and I think it's fascinating to see things from the other side of the vet-client relationship. Sure makes me appreciate my own vet more.
Really?? Only a coward leaves an anonymous message like that! Your reality IS your reality and although it often sucks for you I think your blogging it is really a way at least as far as your vet practice to make people realize just how hard that job really is! You post what YOU feel you need to post and keep sharing with us. Elizabeth is right, if they don't like it they have the CHOICE to not read it. Duh! :)
Trolling trolling trolling
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope and throw and brand 'em
How rude! I love your blog, it lets people into real life in emergency medicine - you aren't sugar coating the realities and you aren't being negative or pessimistic - just realistic - and most of us appreciate that! Please don't change anything you are doing - especially for anonymous cowards who need to very rudely and negatively comment for no real reason at all.
As a soon-to-be veterinary student, I greatly appreciate your blog. Gives a real-world view of emergency medicine. People seem to understand that the cases for the clients are difficult but fail to realize the impact that it has on the ones that have to manage all their animals' medical burdens.
Life isn't always rainbows and sunshine for everyone all the time.
Keep on blogging. Hopefully some better days are headed your way.
Ridiculous!!! You are just callin' 'em a's you see em'! When dealing with difficult patients/families, I try to decide if their "obnoxious-ness" is a state or a trait and then respond appropriately: "state" makes me try a little more empathy and compassion; "trait" brings out brief, professional interaction and nothing more. Unfortunately, it's a fact that some people are just plain difficult and those of us who work closely with the public realize this. I enjoy the "realness" of your stories :)
There are no typos. It was meant as a warning for your unborn child. The estrogen infused comments not withstanding, I hope you have a healthy boy that can avoid following in your nutcase footsteps. I'm sure your hubby agrees.
Long-time lurker here. You are a bloody inspiration to me as a vet student; don't you dare stop posting about the very best and very worst of your job! It's entertaining, informative (did I say inspirational?!) and if it's cathartic for you then I guess everyone's a winner!
Dear Troll:
If you were truly concerned about the effect of stress on HP's unborn child, you wouldn't be writing nastygrams on her blog.
Leave Doc alone and go pick on someone else. It's a big internet out there, and I'm certain you can find someone worthy of your attention.
Thank you.
Another loyal lurker
Ya know.....if you can't sign on as who you are, maybe you shouldn't post.
That said, you know that the information I've read here prompted me to advise a friend to take their seems-to-be-fine-after-launched-into-space-by-a-horse dog into their vet. He turned out to be ok, but required monitoring.
He might not have been ok, if not for what I read here.
Know that you are not a negative person. I love your blog and everything you write. Don't let these kinds of comments get to you. If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.
Since when did the internet trolls become the sexist pregnancy police? Your body and what you do with it is *your* choice, including blogging!
HP, I read your posts every day. You have many, many positive readers and supporters out there -as long as you feel the need to share, I'll feel the need to read. You're a terrific, compassionate vet. Leave the negativity pushers where they belong - 10 miles back, stuck in the ditch.
People can be jerks, and I think that you aren't negative it is the situations and customers you work with that are negative. I tell myself that at work when I have to enforce a rule or kick someone out.
I am a librarian and I have this cheesy old book in the collection called ERVets and I was looking at it the other day and I commented to a coworker that after reading this blog I felt I had a much better perspective on the real challenges--that it wasn't the difficult cases it was the situations and financial limitations that was so stressful.
I'm sorry that you have to deal with a troll on top of the stress of your job.
FWIW, I don't find you negative at all (in fact, after being in the rescue community and knowing SOME of what you must go through, I feel you are quite positive). I wish you lived in my area -- you're a great vet and person!
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