**Also - if you read my blog regularly, please become a follower. I know there are many lurkers out there, and I'd like to know who you are. I read your blogs too!
After yet another email from my retired English professor grandmother imploring me to follow my true calling (?? funny, I thought I was doing that), I have officially started working on my book. I've skimmed the market, found that veterinary medical books are very popular (Tell Me Where It Hurts, All Creatures Bright and Beautiful, etc) and have gleaned that there are no current books like the one I am writing. It's already coming together quite well after 5 hours of concerted effort and organizing.
Here is my question for you, my readers:
1) Would you rather read a book about veterinary medicine written as a cohesive, linear story - i.e. I got up, went to work, this happened, came home, this happened? Or would vignettes a la James Herriot with a grand, unifying theme be more interesting?
2) Would you read a book about veterinary medicine? I assume so, since you read my blog, but I'd like to know if you'd buy a book on the subject?
The High Cost Of Becoming A Vet
8 years ago
I think a unifying theme would be more interesting. :)
1) vignettes
2) I might read it but I would not pay for it.
Just like anything else, it's all in the execution. If it's well written and interesting, your reader's will come.
I'm an avid reader of books and blogs, as well as a published novelist (26 books and counting!) I love to read books like say... Marly and Me, Merle's Door - Lessons from a Freethinking Dog, Bark If You Love Me, and though those are entirely different from what you are proposing, I would buy a book about the life of a vet IF it was amusing or interesting and well written.
Are you thinking to go the traditional publising route - ie; a New York publisher? Or are you planning to self-publish on Kindle or something? That also would have an effect on whether or not I'd buy the book. THere is a guarantee of quality most times with traditional publishers.
Anyway, good luck and keep your blog readers posted, please!
This is so exciting! (1) I've enjoyed both formats. The problem with a cohesive story is that you need a theme but since you'll be writing about your life, a theme may not be present. Stories are easier because they're more like your life.
For example, I really love reading http://www.crazyauntpurl.com/. She recently wrote a book and while it was enjoyable, she was trying to force it into having too much of a theme.
(2) I would absolutely read it and pay for it.
1) If it's well-written and interesting, I wouldn't care in what form it was in.
2) I've paid for all the other veterinary books. I would pay for yours too. Most definitely. :D
I think I'd like a unifying theme better and I'd absolutely buy it :)
1. vignettes, as then I can read a chapter at a time, especially if it gets too sad (as I fear a vet book might become)
2. If I know it's by you, I'd buy it as I frequently buy books written by bloggers I read (wendy knits, crazy aunt purl) but if I wasn't already reading your blog, I'd most likely try to get it at the library first.
How exciting for you! Good luck as you go through the process!
Oh I would buy it for sure. I love to read.
A unifying theme would be nice but vignettes would be great and might be easier for a first book.. I look forward to it however you decide to write.
I would read either, though I feel the cohesive linear format (like Tell me Where it Hurts) is better at keeping my attention and makes it hard to put the book down. I also like vignettes, but they tend to not be as gripping, in my experience.
And I would absolutely pay for your book! I already own several veterinary medicine themed books and would love to add to the collection!
Thanks for the positive feedback...it made my day - esp after my night at work! Interesting stories to come...
I love reading books on the life of Vets. One I recently read was about life as a country vet. It was humorous, heartwarming and I didn't want to put it down.
I wouldn't buy a book on vet medicine and the details involved in knowing the anatomy of pets. But I would buy a book on the day in and day out adventures that vets run into.
Hope this feedback helps.
unifying theme for sure! and I would definitely read it. I already own and have read several.
I think the James Herriot type chapters. I'd read it, after all I'm also living it myself!
Vignettes - but also the linear story.
Yes I would not only pay for it but would purposely look for it. You have a lovely easy writing style - love this blog it's my favorite one.
Best of luck!
Thank you for all the positive and helpful feedback. I'll keep you posted on the proceedings. Thus far, I have about 25 pages collected and organized.
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