Thursday, July 15, 2010

The PhD thesis

My husband has been working on his PhD thesis for a while. It's been quite a job for him, owing to some problems with his there, then not there, thesis advisor. It's been very frustrating for him in many ways. He's 3 years into the program.

I finally solved the mystery of why he can't get any work done. Behold.


Elizabeth said...

Super cute! They're so tiny. I tried to do some work at home the other day and my cockatiel wound up chewing all my papers.

Elizabeth said...

oh my gosh, thanks! that gave me a much needed smile today..

littlewings11 said...

That is really too adorable. They are so tiny that you would barely notice them on that huge desk!

Mary said...

With all that help, you would think he'd get done twice as fast :)

They are so cute, they almost don't look real.

belovedparrot said...

Well, no wonder he's having trouble! I don't know of any worthwhile graduate school or adviser who wouldn't understand and excuse your husband for such disruptions!!!

belovedparrot said...

I have two cockatiels and an African brown-headed parrot -- I don't even pretend to try to do any paperwork anymore when they're out and about.