I'm feeling like a bad vet today...Monday morning quarterbacking myself and whatnot. I lost some critical cases this weekend, and I am searching for what could have been done better. VIN (Veterinary Information Network) has been instrumental in helping me become a better, more informed veterinarian. Yet...I will always make mistakes. EVERY single doctor - human or animal - will. It's part of being human. Still, when I lose, my frustration can be overwhelming. I look back and think - had I done this, had I done that - would I have saved the patient? Dammit. I need a Benadryl and a good night's sleep.
Hope you're feeling better today. I don't know you, but I can tell from what/how you write that you are not a bad vet. You are fantastic and if you lived in my area, I'd want my animals to see you.
Stop beating yourself up and pull something from your "Atta-girl" file..
You can't save them all no matter how good you are.. But you are trying and that's what matters..
It's not often that I consider someone I've never met in real life to be a friend. You, however, are a friend, and a damn good vet. Rather than beat yourself up, take a few wacks at me, and I promise to beat you in return. Then we will both get over feeling incompetent, and go back to being kick ass vets.
Thanks for the support...especially you, Mara :)
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